What is IOT

What is IoT -> Definition:

  • The Internet of things is a network of things that uses or embedded with software, sensors, connectivity, and electronic devices to collect and exchange data from the outer world and improve the efficiency, accuracy, and benefits of the ecosystem.

Things, the IoT means the devices that connect to the internet and it could be anything like a biometric device used for attendance, a heart monitoring sensor that is implanted in a person, mobiles that have a number of functionality, fire alarms, search engines or a device that locate the specific metal. because all these devices collect useful data with the help of technologies and then flow the data between other devices.

Examples of IoT Devices:

Smart Mobiles
Smart refrigerators
Smart fire alarms
Smart door locks
Smart bicycles
medical sensors
Fitness trackers
Smart security system

How IoT works:

The IoT device is using an embedded system and it use the smart device connected to servers such as processors, sensors, and hardware. these devices collect all the data from outer environments. and then send the data using the gateway or other edge technology and store it on the cloud or servers. 

after storing the data on the server according to the setup environment sometimes it interacts with humans that ensure the accuracy of information or data. and then it processes by devices that do most of the work without humans. actually, all the tools that are present on the server-side are installed and set up by the humans so all the information is available to the humans as well. and these tools are just used to give the actual instructions to process the data.

Benefits of IoT

  1. save time and money.
  2. improve the user experience.
  3. making the decision and its growth.
  4. monitor the overall growth of the business.
  5. enhance productivity.
  6. compare the models.

Why IoT is the Most Important?

Because in this world every single one like people, your home devices, and smartphones are connected to each other so they are IoT devices. and this technology enables an organization to automate some amount of process and help people to work in a smart way like a one-man army.

we can use it as a real-time machine that delivers everything from processing, and performance to the supply of products or data. also, it reduces some amount of cost that gives a huge boost to a company.

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